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Did you know that women are happier, more confident and more fulfilled when they are making PROGRESS?  This challenge is designed to help you do just that. 


What is included in the challenge? 

Below is our agenda for the week.

My PROMISE to you:  I will not overwhelm you.

Each day, you will receive a mini assignment from me by email. Your downloadable document and short video will be available in the Facebook Community.

Everyone will have the opportunity to share their 'homework' in the private Facebook Community and hear from other women. THAT is where the real inspiration comes in.

  • Day 1: You'll complete the Women Who Spark Life Assessment and identify one area of focus for your five-day challenge.
  • Day 2: Brainstorm a master list of ideas for your area of focus, and gather up ideas from your co-reigniters!
  • Day 3: Create your short list for start doing and stop doing.
  • Day 4: Make important changes to your help set yourself up for success.
  • Day 5. Put your friendly accountability system in place.

My goal for you is PROGRESS.

One short email each day.

One FREE video each day.

One FREE download each day

15 minutes per day to reignite your life for greater happiness, confidence and clarity of purpose.

Hi, I'm Aleta, creator of everything Women Who Spark.

In 2019, I wrote Women Who Spark: 12 Steps to Catapult Happiness, Cultivate Confidence and Discover the Purpose of Your Life.

Since then, I have learned so much from the thousands of women who have read the book, participated in Women Who Spark Boot Camp and shared inspiration in the Women Who Spark Tribe Facebook Community.

One of the most consistent things I've learned is that most women want more.

Take a look at the list below. How many can you relate to personally?

  • I'm struggling! I could use some encouragement and inspiration to get my life unstuck.
  • I'm ready to give myself some much-needed attention.
  • I want to feel more confident and fulfilled in my life.
  • I want to have a clear vision for my future, but I'm not sure how to make that happen.
  • I know I will make better progress if I wake up every day to a plan.
  • I have so much spinning around in my mind, I'm not sure how to prioritize.

If you said yes to even ONE of these items, the Free 5-Day Reignite Your Life Challenge will make a difference for you. 


5-Day Reignite Your Life Challenge Registration Ends









Don't miss out on the inspiration! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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